Thursday, February 4, 2010

Conscious Unconsciousness

Lately, I've been thinking about my future and how the dictatorial rule of the college schedule will no longer be my compass. I've said this before and I'll say it again, I think I always thought life would just stop before I actually graduated college. I have slowly realized that is not the case. Along the same lines, I more or less never thought I would be living in Logan, Utah at age 22, graduating from Utah State University. My middle school/high school-age self would have "rather died" than move to Utah.

Welp, 15 year old Anne, you lost and 22 year old Anne is kind of happy for that.

On another note, I spent the evening reading Katie's blog entries from the summer, listening to Indian pop music, and laughing out loud many, many times. It brought back a flood of memories I had otherwise forgotten. Memories I should have written down but never have. I'm grateful for Katie's detailed entries about our adventures. I was constantly reminded of the kindness of strangers. We met some really great people who had no reason to be kind to us but nonetheless were. I'm eternally grateful. I can say with almost 100% certainty that I will never see these individuals again but I will never forget them. To the young, Muslim girl in the Hyderabad train station, thank you for telling us the train number to Lingampally had changed.

I'm not worried about what lies ahead. If India only did but one thing, it reenforced the idea that it always works out. It might not be how I would expect it but somehow, it always fits.


Katie Jo said...

Thank you for writing this. It is exactly what I needed to hear while frenetically filling out job apps and trying to translate Italian.

I've found that the kindness of strangers is always one of the first things I tell people about our trip. Even when they were totally wrong (Here's looking to you, Delhi train employee who radioed "headquarters" and gave us the completely incorrect platform number) I'm still shocked how willing people were to help. Their kindness and our resulting safety seems even more incredible when I think about it here, in relative comfort and independence.

I know we'll travel again together, and it will be another hilarious, enchanting journey.

And hey, didn't Surinder give you his number? He said he comes to New York for business...we could all reunite, ha.

Anne W said...

hahaha! He DID give me his number. Annnd he also told me he was leaving his wife...Maybe he'll take us to that Brunch I declined. You in?

Mawa said...

Katie - I ran into the pictures I was supposed to send - can one of you re-send your email address and this time I promise I won't disappoint....