Thursday, September 3, 2009

2 Sept 2009

"Still, there are times I am bewildered by each mile I have traveled, each meal I have eaten, each person I have known, each room in which I have slept. As ordinary as it all appears, there are times when it is beyond my imagination."- excerpt from a short story by Jhumpa Lahiri

When I was quickly throwing some last minute items into my carry-on back in May, I found a role of electrical tape. Without thinking, I threw the black tape into my bag. Looking back, that was in my "Top 5 Best Sub-Conscious Decisions of Summer2009". That roll went everywhere this past summer and that tape was used for everything. If you ask any one who was with me in the last 3 months, they would without a doubt remember the tape.

A small package came in the mail yesterday. In it was a brand new roll of my sticky, little friend with a note to go along with it,

"...I had to replenish the essentials. The boys at the hardware store gave me the twice-over when I bought it. -Katie"

I showed everyone the note and the tape. Naturally, they gave me the "twice-over" as well. Who gets so excited over a silly roll of electrical tape? Answer: I do. I cannot help it. I cannot help but look at that tape and think about all the things I have learned in my lifetime. I have been taught more things from friends and strangers alike than I could ever imagine. It boggles my mind- all of it.

Even that roll of electrical tape.


Stephen said...

first duck tape.... now electrical tape....

I know what I am getting you for christmas.... tape

our lunch is so over do

Stephen said...

oh that was from me.... rosie

Anonymous said...

I love the photo. Weathered ammo box, stone tiles piled on top, tile underneath, bricks, scrap tile swept to one side? There is purpose here. I just haven't figured it out yet! Is that the message?


Mawa said...

I know this tape played a 'role' in your life this summer but.... it comes in rolls....

love you!

Anne W said...

I always get that word confused...shooot. ha.